Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Virginia, National and World News from the AP

Things to know about plan for national forest

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Posted: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 5:45 am
Some things to know about the final management plan for the George Washington National Forest:
— Allows oil and gas leasing on 10,000 acres where there are existing leases, and on 167,000 acres with existing private mineral rights.
— Increases buffer zones along streams from 66 feet to 100 feet.
— Increases the areas allowed for timber production from 350,000 acres to 452,000 acres.
— Recommends wilderness be increased from 40,000 acres in six areas to 70,000 acres in eight areas.
— Recommends creation of a 90,000-acre National Scenic Area on Shenandoah Mountain.

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